DPER 高解析导电探针(AFM 探针)
Typical radius of uncoated tip : 8 nm
Resulting tip radius with the coating : < 20 nm
Full tip cone angle* : 40°
Total tip height : 12 - 18 µm
Probe material : n-type silicon
Tip coating : Platinum
Detector coating : Platinum
DPER probes are made by depositing a thin platinum coating on silicon tips. While the thickness of the coating on a flat cantilever surface is about 15 nm, there is only a 10 nm increase in the tip dimensions compared to bare silicon probes.
The DPER probes can be used for imaging samples with high resolution in XY directions. Due to the thin coating, the electrical signal may be noisy. One should also not expect coating stability in contact or hard tapping regimes of AFM operation.